National Weather Service
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Current Weather
  • 80o F
  • 24 Hr Rainfall Accumulation 0 mm
  • Wind Speed 4.5 knots
  • Wind Direction E
  • Humidity 84%
  • Pressure 1014.3 millibars
Today's Forecast As of 27 Jul 2024 5:52 AM
Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
06:01 19:02
  • East to southeast at 15 to 20 knots.

  • Moderate with a wave height of 3 to 5 feet.

About Us

The Meteorological Office was established in the early 1980's under the Civil Aviation Authority, with the responsibility for the monitoring of meteorological events and provision of meteorological information. The staff currently operates a service for 17 hours daily with a 24-hour service envisaged for the future. The service’s operation includes an Upper-Air Station, Surface Weather Observations, Climatology, Forecasting and Aviation weather briefing.

The Meteorological Office was officially recognized as the Cayman Islands National Weather Service as of June 1st 2010, operating under the Ministry of District Administration, Works, Lands and Agriculture.

The office began 2010 with a staff of eleven officers; two Meteorological Officer IV, three Meteorological Officer III, one Meteorologist II, two Meteorologist I, Chief Meteorologist, Administrative Manager and the Director General of Meteorological Services.