National Weather Service
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Current Weather
  • 82o F Feels Like 87o F
  • 24 Hr Rainfall Accumulation 0 mm
  • Wind Speed 9.7 knots
  • Wind Direction ESE
  • Humidity 75%
  • Pressure 1014.1 millibars
Today's Forecast As of 27 Jul 2024 4:21 AM
Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
06:01 19:02
  • East to southeast at 15 to 20 knots.

  • Moderate with a wave height of 3 to 5 feet.

Mission Statement

The Cayman Islands National Weather Service’s (CINWS) mission is to provide to its stakeholders the functions outlined in The National Weather Service Law, 2010 via a four-fold mission:

  • Monitoring
  • Research
  • Service
  • Data Provision


As the Official National Weather Service for the Cayman Islands we are obligated to: observe, understand and predict the weather and climate of the Cayman Islands as well as provide meteorological and related services in support of national and international obligations.