National Weather Service
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Current Weather
  • 82o F Feels Like 88o F
  • 24 Hr Rainfall Accumulation 0 mm
  • Wind Speed 9.8 knots
  • Wind Direction SE
  • Humidity 79%
  • Pressure 1014 millibars
Today's Forecast As of 27 Jul 2024 4:11 AM
Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
06:01 19:02
  • East to southeast at 15 to 20 knots.

  • Moderate with a wave height of 3 to 5 feet.

Cuban MET Office

Meteorological observations date back to 1937, when under orders from Cuban President Batista observations were taken by a small station consisting of three Cuban officers. Three local men were added at a later time. The office was operated 24 hrs per day but only carried out synoptic observations. In the latter stages the station was managed by Mr. Felix Delarosa, who later obtained political asylum and worked in the U.S.

Cuban Staff

  • Felix Delarosa
  • John Bodden
  • Auther Bodden
  • Layton Christian