National Weather Service
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Current Weather
  • 87o F Feels Like 99o F
  • 24 Hr Rainfall Accumulation 45 mm
  • Wind Speed 11.2 knots
  • Wind Direction ENE
  • Humidity 73%
  • Pressure 1016.2 millibars
Today's Forecast As of 15 Oct 2024 9:58 AM
Min 81o F | Max 91o F
  • Showers
    Min 81o F | Max 91o F
  • Showers
    Min 81o F | Max 91o F
  • Showers
    Min 81o F | Max 91o F
06:20 18:00
  • East to northeast at 5 to 10 knots.

  • Slight with a wave height of 1 to 3 feet.

Site audience and purpose

People wishing to find out about current weather conditions and other climate information relating to the Cayman Islands are the primary audience for this site.

The website details the e-publication scheme of the agency in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Law, 2007.

Site navigation

The site is divided into five main topics; namely:

  • About Us provides information about the Cayman Islands National Weather Service.
  • FOI provides details on Freedom of Information.
  • Forecast provides details on weather forecast for the Cayman Islands.
  • Climate provides details on typical weather conditions in the Cayman Islands.
  • Press Room lists press releases related to the Cayman Islands National Weather Service.

Additionally, there are two reference topics - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)and Contact Us.

The Site Map is recommended as an alternative aid to navigating the site.

Page layout

Pages on the site conform to a standard format.

The banner menu provides links to the main topics and the reference topics from each page of the site. Click on the Cayman Islands crest image to return to the homepage.

At the foot of each page is information on the date the page was published or last modified, the primary contact details for the Cayman Islands National Weather Service, and other useful links, e.g. terms and conditions, access keys, feedback, etc.

The left column, except on the homepage, shows a local menu specific to the section of the site currently being visited. On some pages the right column shows links to other website pages of possible interest.

Abbreviations and acronyms

Pages and documents may contain unfamiliar abbreviations and acronyms. Please review the glossary of abbreviations and acronyms for clarification.


We welcome any feedback and suggestions on what you would like us to publish on the site; please use the feedback form.

If you have any queries about the Cayman Islands National Weather Service's work and policies please contact the Cayman Islands National Weather Service by phone, between 08:30 AM and 05:00 PM Monday - Friday, on (345) 949-4528.