National Weather Service
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Current Weather
  • 82o F Feels Like 87o F
  • 24 Hr Rainfall Accumulation 0 mm
  • Wind Speed 9.5 knots
  • Wind Direction SE
  • Humidity 70%
  • Pressure 1014.4 millibars
Today's Forecast As of 27 Jul 2024 4:27 AM
Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
  • Thundershowers
    Min 78o F | Max 89o F
06:01 19:02
  • East to southeast at 15 to 20 knots.

  • Moderate with a wave height of 3 to 5 feet.

Classes of Information

A Class of Information is a way of collecting together similar types of information.

The Cayman Islands National Weather Service has grouped its Classes of Information into broad categories (or functions) which reflect the Cayman Islands National Weather Service's outputs.

If you are intending to make a request, the following grouping of information should give you an indication of where the information may be found.

  • Function – Administration
  • Function – Policy development and advice
  • Function – Operational support and advice