East to northeast at 10 to 15 knots with higher gusts.
Moderate with a wave height of 3 to 5 feet.
| Minimum | Maximum Surface Wind Speed |
| |||||
Location | Date/ | Press. | Date/ | Sust. | Peak | Storm | Storm | Rain |
C-MAN | ||||||||
BURL1 (28.9°N 89.4°W) | 15/2300 | 983.6 | 15/2310 | 72 | 87 |
| 16/0000 | 69 |
| 15/2300 | 68 |
| 23/0500 | 1013.8 | 23/0300 | 35 |
| 23/0500 | 35 |
CDRF1 (29.1°N 83.0°W) |
| 16/1217 |
| 31 |
CLKN7 (34.6°N 76.5°W) |
| 18/0228 |
| 34 |
CHLV2 (36.9°N 75.7°W) | 18/0400 | 1001.8 | 18/0350 | 38 | 48 |
| 18/2230 | 39 | 45 |
| 19/0500 | 39 | 45 |
DPIA1 (30.2°N 88.1°W) | 16/0705 | 952.7 | 16/0405 | 63 | 89 |
| 16/0505 | 63 |
DUCN7 (36.2°N 75.7°W) |
| 18/0330 | 33 | 47 |
| 19/0300 | 1011.4 | 19/0400 | 38 |
GDIL1 (29.3°N 90.0°W) | 16/0000 | 994.2 | 15/2310 | 46 | 61 |
| 16/0200 | 43 |
GLPT2 (29.3°N 94.8°W) | 23/2200 | 1012.2 | 22/0900 |
| 32 | 1.6 |
ILDL1 (29.0°N 90.5°W) | 23/0900 | 1013.7 | 23/0900 | 35 |
MRSL1 (29.4°N 92.1°W) | 23/1200 | 1012.0 | 23/1200 | 32 | 38 |
SANF1 (24.5°N 81.9°W) | 13/1200 | 1010.9 | 13/1200 | 36 | 42 |
SAUF1 (29.9°N 81.3°W) |
| 20/0130 | 30 | 38 |
| 20/1950 | 31 | 41 |
SGOF1 (29.4°N 84.9°W) | 15/2100 | 1005.2 | 15/2200 | 49 | 62 |
SHPF1 (30.1°N 84.3°W) |
| 16/1454 |
| 31 |
SIPM6 (30.3°N 89.0°W) | 15/2300# | 997.4 | 15/2300# | 38 |
SPLL1 (28.9°N 90.5°W) | 16/0200 | 999.6 | 16/0200 | 42 |
| 23/0700 | 1011.9 | 23/0700 | 36 |
TPLM2 (38.9°N 76.4°W) |
| 18/0332 |
| 35 |
| 18/1740 | 34 | 41 |
TYBG1 (31.6°N 79.9°W) | 21/0726 | 1016.6 | 21/0726 | 35 |
Buoys | ||||||||
41012 (30.0°N 80.6°W) |
| 20/1750 | 29 | 39 |
42001 (25.8°N 89.7°W) | 15/1050 | 995.2 | 15/0950 | 37 |
42003 (26.0°N 85.9°W) | 15/0750 | 993.5 | 15/0230 | 55 | 72 |
42007 (30.1°N 88.8°W) | 16/0350# | 976.0 | 16/0350 | 49 | 68 |
| 16/0530 | 49* |
42035 (29.3°N 94.4°W) | 23/2250 | 1012.2 | 16/0900 |
| 30 |
42036 (28.5°N 84.5°W) |
| 15/2020 | 34 | 49 |
42039 (28.8°N 86.1°W) | 15/2350 | 995.1 | 15/2150 | 45 | 62 |
| 15/2350 | 45 |
42040 (29.2°N 88.2°W) | 16/0150 | 955.3 | 15/2300 | 55 | 73 |
| 16/0950 | 54 |
| 16/0050 | 956.3 |
42041 (27.5°N 90.5°W) | 15/1950 | 997.6 | 15/1950 | 35* |
44017 (40.7°N 72.0°W) | 18/1650 | 1006.9 | 18/1650 | 35 |
a Date/time is for sustained wind when both sustained and gust are listed b Except as noted, sustained wind averaging periods for C-MAN and land-based ASOS reports are 2 min; buoy averaging periods are 8 min. c Storm surge is water height above normal astronomical tide level. d Storm tide is water height above National Geodetic Vertical Datum (1929 mean sea level). * Last of several occurrences # Instrument failed after report |